Sunday, June 27, 2021


Hello This is my first post on this blog, but this is not my first time blogging. In short, on this blog I want to never stop writing. I hope that there will be many writings and these writings can represent the many things I want to convey and have a positive impact on others. Okay, maybe that's all for this first post Good morning from Indonesia, and healthy greetings (aka salam sehat ^-^) Thank you for reading

1 comment:

  1. I also have a long story, but long story short i had a pain on my left side after a bout of diarrhea which i thought was because i got sick with Covid. but after I recovered from my diarrhea after drinking Dr Itua herbal medicine which He prepared then sent it to me through courier service and he instructed me on how to drink it to cure it. When the pain hit i went to the hospital, luckily i'm active duty military so they took me in at the ER. Once in there. They did an IMMEDIATE CT. Within 2 hours a GI surgeon showed up in my ER room and said we need to do surgery like yesterday on you. Doesn't matter what that is in your gut it needs to come out because it's causing about an 80% blockage. The next day a colonoscopy confirmed cancer. Next day after that I had surgery to remove half a foot of colon but it didn't go that way because Dr Itua assure me that his herbal medicine will makes me well and honestly Dr Itua herbal medicine really help me and today I'm cured and healthy through Dr Itua herbal center
    Dr Itua cures all such diseases, kindly email him on for any herbs enquiry or visit his website for more information about his wonderful works,
