Monday, October 14, 2024

warkop miras

 the main idea of this (imagination) building is not abt warkop (warung kopi) actually, its abt public bathing 

and the inspiration of public bathing is because the habit of mine in travelling 

so i love to take a bath when i travel i mean the first thing on my mind when i just arrive to a new place or destination (if i cant do bathing i just change my clothes actually fyi :P i thought people are same rite ?!) 

ok, so back to the topic --- Public bathing that i create w room planner app is  including another public places like mushola , warkop miras (sorry if its ironic :P) , and also dorm or hostel on the top floor

Public bathing that i create in here is my imagination and its an unisex.  I also create a simple design mushola near from here. 

and talk abt warkop miras - this warkop ( warung kopi aka coffee shop) will including alcholic drinks. Why ? because i like it :p and i also imagine people who come in here can be vary. ( Vary in taste ). Another story behindd warkop miras is the last story that i heard from a guy that i knew who talk abt his travelling experience and I just imagine the place that he told me can be like this . And I just find ( just my opinion) its an exotic asian :P 

the last one is the top floor which including the hostel/dorm. And this is where the money turnover ( aka perputaran cuan ) haha . i think it can be a good thing for bussiness purpose. So I just create 4 rooms which there are 3 ordinary rooms, and 1 special room (because including bathroom and tv). another room in this floor just like an ordinary and simple for dorm ( like bathroom, simple kitchen, and terrace). 

Oke so lets take a look this build  with barry song my first , my last , my everything . i put this song because this is my first time to design  a building like this :D XP

This build ( my imagination building ;p) still need some repairment, i mean there are some that i need to edit or adding actually but this is the final result until this day. After watching the video u can see the pict beside it --> thats the real pict that capture from room planner app. 

I like the result actually ( even i still give some improvement until rite now :p), and i think this build can be a good prospect for bussiness idea ( cieileh hahah :D ) . There are many things on my mind too abt this building ,  but  rite now I just execute this w room app 

PS : this post actually already edited for many times because the writer and also the creator which is me feeling confuse to choose the background music for the video :D 

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