Monday, August 26, 2024

my first race

hey there finally in this year i had joined race for the first time and this is it : 

my motivation to joined race actually is to get the medal ., and yeah i got it . yippiee 
I had joined race for 5 k .. this is some pic of mine 

first time, i took the race pack. this event was organized by BNI in collaboration with Quscore, so I picked up my racepack at BNI building 

then  jump to the d-day ( august 3rd ) --> This is me when i just arrived the race. I arrived in here on 6.30 pm. this even flag off  on 7.30 pm .. so just captuure the moments in here with some banner and some stuff for sure  :D

When the racing was about to start, it suddenly started raining, then the crew provided raincoats (look at me as a runner i use fake eyelashes hahah .. just be bodrex aka sll ok stiapp saat even for photo session 

finally 5 k and it means that i already finish the race and this is me w  the medal. Surprisingly this medal can connect with spotify .. 

Thats it and so happy after all , then I actually planned to run again in this september :)
cant wait for the next race :D 

Monday, August 5, 2024

remind me

i just scroll my insta, and stalk some public figure that i knew .. 
well , i just scroll himym cast, and its alysonhanigan ( lily aldrin in himym)
and guess what ? i just knew that she already joined a dance competition " dancing w stars" in abc tv, it looks great .. and i just enjoyed to watch her perform 

so her perform actually remind me of my memories abt dancing too , when i was in east nusa tenggara for work .. it was my first time to dance w partner and w other in public ( i mean, the first time I danced was with my family, my grandmother and dancing in her final days when she was suffering from alzheimer and lung disease, i asked her to dance and she enjoyed it) 

ok back to dancing w partner, this thing was something that always made me curious and i just wanted to do it again at that time, because i see at the end of my dancing w partner was a nice thing and for me thats beautiful too( hehe for amateur maybe :P)

then when I returned to my domicile (Tangerang) , the first thing i looked for was a dance class. but I cant joined it at that time because the class was far from my home, and i need some effort to reach that place.. 

so until rite now, i havent joined dance class with partner, but sometimes.. this memories are appear to my mind especially when i just saw other dancing , and i just feel like I want to do it again .. nah today i just want to share this to relieve .. :D yeah relieve my angan-angan and something that I havent done it yet (again)..

And after all this is my pic dancing in public w my friend, pity the video disappeared in my cellphone because an error thing or full memory