hey this title is not a kinda song , its my expression abt the song that finally i found after "sekian purnama" (after a long time )
and what is the special thing that makes me want to post it ?
cause this song like many song that i heard ( i just turn it again and again )
this song is from Gabrielle - When a woman
I heard this song in 90's when i was in an elementary school and i heard this from radio
this song also release in 90s , beside this song I had another song that finally i know just recent :
and it is Black box - fall into my love
still same, I just knew this song from the radio
Actually there are some song that I just curious to know the title and play it again, but I just not found this yet .. so I only na na nana in my mind :P with some piece of lyric ( the lyrics that i remember : this is sunny day when im blalablalala ..) So I think its gonna be my "kerjaan" then to find it out later :p
And btw i also make an album, a music playlist that i remember and i heard in 90s ..
this album not including all the music that release in 90s but what i heard in 90s
Just click 👉Pas Jaman 90an
And this is it, Enjoy !
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