65 is a number of an old age that means in an elderly group or lansia. In this post I just want to share the idea of makin a tiny home for an elderly and maybe it can be the idea for mine when i get through this period XD
The story behind this idea is thinkin abt a house that can makes the elder feel comfy and safe. As you know people at this age should pay more attention to their mobility, so in this idea i just make this house with one floor or satu lantai.
And here's the idea :
so after u check this out , maybe it can be some tricky question. why i need to put an iron stuff in the bedroom if i want to feel safe --> and this is my argument : actually I put this because i make a tiny home , so the free space that can be possible to put this was the bedroom, beside that I want the acivity of some risky things can be seen and thats why the door for the bedroom was a sliding one and was close to the other room. The other question for this idea it might be why i make this house tiny ? and just like my argument before , that i need to think when me just alone in this house and need to clean up by my own XP , so just imagine if the age is much older and needs to clean up this house alone( kan ada go clean said some people again but can u imagine if ur floor get dirty at midnight eheheheh.. )
The idea of this elderly home design actually already create by some people and already execute in real, and heres the link to find out :
Other links :
So what do u think ? Have u got the idea for urself ? aahaha XP