hi there its me again and today i just change the layout of this blog. I change this because i think it can be easier for me to click some button in here, and beside that its easier too cause i can get theme automatically from this blog site.
and actually theres a lot of things in my mind that i want to share in here .. it can be experience in here or at there :D haha so maybe i should start with ..(aha :P) travelling things .. but its not abt the place i travel to but the tools that u need for travel , and it is language.
Yeah language , its a common thing . everyone knows it even mastering it. But what i want to share rite now is the way to learn language even u just a newbie in here. So lets start with what language that we want to learn in here ? and theres three languages ( even im not a polygot yet hahaha.. ) Okay so they are arabic , chinese , and also japanese. and if u asked me why these language ? the simple way to answer this is because they are the popular one even chinese is a mother tounge of china , a country with a huge bussiness prospect :D -- but dont worry im not talking for bussiness prospect in here :P
Then just start abt the tips to mastering this even u can googling this , duo this , or do this w another ai tools hhahah .. so lets start with my method. and it is conjunction. Start with the easy one and its the "and" word. Easy rite ? so lets start to make this "and" word in 3 languages. Arabic "and" version : "wa" (وَ). Chinese "and" version : 和 (hé). And the last one, japanese "and" version : と (to)
So why " and "? or u can say in bahasa : ada apa dengan kata dan ? hahaha. The answer for this question-- of course because after we knew the conjucntion " and' then we can make a simple sentences . here they are the simple sentences that i mean. 1. Arabic , for e.g u want to write this fun and happy : مُمتِع وَسَعِيد (mumti‘ wa sa‘īd). So fun in arabic = مُمتِع (mumti‘) and Happy = سَعِيد (sa‘īd) (male) / سَعِيدَة (sa‘īdah) (female). 2 Chinese : tea and water = 茶和水 (chá hé shuǐ). 茶 (chá) = tea . 水 (shuǐ) = water. Then the last one Japanese, e.g here and there ここ と そこ (koko to soko) → "Here and there" (closer and a bit far) ここ と あそこ (koko to asoko) → "Here and there" (farther away). ここ (koko) = here. そこ (soko) = there (near the listener). あそこ (asoko) = over there (far from both speaker and listener).
so whats next ? the next one is the purpose. Of course anything that u do can be easier to remind if there is a purpose, for e.g if u have a plan to work abroad of course ur speed to mastering language can be faster than people w a purpose just for fun or just iseng iseng aja .. idk if this one is correct or will this one always happened ? but logically if u have a deadline u can do something in a rush :P , so heres the link abt it : https://youtu.be/qBc2kELKecA?si=-LHiKsX9YhTNGsCO
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