Monday, February 24, 2025

Just follow the world

 ah this post actually just an announcement only - cause digital era sounds more trending and i just follow what common people did .. 

And dats my youtube chanel 😅 I just post one thing at there as a newbie and i just try to make an opportunity in here too for cuan purpose maybe haha .. 

Wanna see ? Check this out 

Okay , thats my video abt makin rokok linting ( bahan dan alat of course u can dig this by ur own or u can directly go to "toko2 terderkat" :p ). 

PS : if u need more tips abt makin cuan from "digital" - try mager game on app store or play store

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hi there

hi there its me again and today i just change the layout of this blog.  I change this because i think it can be easier for me to click some button in here, and beside that its easier too cause i can get theme automatically from this blog site. 

and actually theres a lot of things in my mind that i want to share in here .. it can be experience in here or at  there :D haha so maybe i should start with ..(aha :P) travelling things .. but its not abt the place i travel to but the tools that u need for travel , and it is language. 

Yeah language , its a common thing . everyone knows it even mastering it. But what i want to share rite now is the way to learn language even u just a newbie in here. So lets start with what language that we want to learn in here ? and theres three languages ( even im not a polygot yet hahaha.. ) Okay so they are arabic , chinese , and also japanese. and if u asked me why these language ? the simple way to answer this is because they are the popular one even chinese is a mother tounge of china , a country with a huge bussiness prospect :D -- but dont worry im not talking for bussiness prospect in here :P 

Then just start abt the tips to mastering this even u can googling this , duo this , or do this w another ai tools hhahah .. so lets start with my method. and it is conjunction. Start with the easy one and its the "and" word. Easy rite ? so lets start to make this "and" word in 3 languages. Arabic "and" version :  "wa" (وَ). Chinese "and" version : 和 (hé).  And the last one, japanese "and" version : と (to) 

So why " and "? or u can say in bahasa : ada apa dengan kata dan ? hahaha. The answer for this question-- of course because after we knew the conjucntion " and'  then we can make a simple sentences . here they are the simple sentences that i mean. 1. Arabic , for e.g u want to write this fun and happy : مُمتِع وَسَعِيد (mumti‘ wa sa‘īd). So fun in arabic = مُمتِع (mumti‘) and Happy = سَعِيد (sa‘īd) (male) / سَعِيدَة (sa‘īdah) (female). 2 Chinese : tea and water = 茶和水 (chá hé shuǐ). 茶 (chá) = tea . 水 (shuǐ) = water. Then the last one Japanese, e.g here and there ここ と そこ (koko to soko) → "Here and there" (closer and a bit far) ここ と あそこ (koko to asoko) → "Here and there" (farther away). ここ (koko) = here. そこ (soko) = there (near the listener). あそこ (asoko) = over there (far from both speaker and listener). 

Got it ? then u just realize that u already remember some words in these language. so how abt the other words ? ah i suggest u to buy a book for learning. or maybe u can try with duo app , and in this case i just share the idea or concept abt how to remember some words actually ( im not a teacher btw :P) 

so whats next ? the next one is the purpose. Of course anything that u do can be easier to remind if there is a purpose, for e.g  if u have a plan to work abroad of course ur speed to mastering language can be faster than people w a purpose just for fun or just iseng iseng  aja .. idk if this one is correct or will this one always happened ? but logically if u have a deadline u can do something in a rush :P  , so heres the link abt it  :

See ? thats a video of bargaining in pasar and actually i just put this because it can be more practical and of course it can be "berguna" too especially travelling around Java and wants to have a cheaper price :P . I also have this for my experience , even I just dont use this chanel for tawar menawar or bargaining things but i just bring a memo for this (even it was faailed xD) and how abt arabic , mandarin, or japanese video for learner ?? Ah actually u can check this out on ur utube . i just bring such a motivation in here , and in this case tawar menawar can be a motivation too heheh..
So how abt motivation learning in here ? ah i just iseng and curious too ( Ha , OMG ?! ) but even i just iseng, i just try to make myself learn (a lil one ) abt bussinesss languange like chinese , oh yeah cause today's "sudah globalisasi" -- hahah loll.. thats just for my closing in here :D Happy learning after all

Friday, January 10, 2025

YOLO - live life to the fullest

This one can be an interesting post , cause its abt travellin and my plan for travelling 

the idea for doin this travelling just to find out the curiousity of mine , just like the title in here yolo -live life to the fullest heheh . So what makes me feel curious ?  Actually I just curious with the place name Ciledug in Cirebon. The reason for my curiousity was because rite now I lived in Ciledug - Tangerang, so it is  the same name rite ? --> and thats gonna be my reason :D . Ok so before I continuing my explanation abt ciledug in cirebon, let see the ciledug in tangerang and ciledug in cirebon. 

Ciledug Tangerang 

Ciledug Cirebon 

Lanjut-- The other reason why I curious abt this , and googling more abt this place because I never knew the other name of ciledug beside ciledug -tangerang until i find a book which  the title is  kwee family in ciledug. So the first thing on my mind when I see this book --> : why ciledug can be so popular at that time , and when i read the background of this book was actually in Ciledug - Cirebon 

So lets  find out what we can do in Ciledug cirebon by google :D 

1. Wisata kebon jati 

this is  the first place that actually can be seen in the map of ciledug cirebon. I also googling more abt this place, just to find what I can do at there, then I find a hammock recreation in here, just like a pict that i share 

the ticket price to entering this was quite cheap coz only Rp 5000,- and Rp 10000,- in high season or peak season. 

2. Empal Gentong H apud 
If u heard Cirebon , what is the first thing on ur mind --> if u asked me i will answer that empal gentong is on my list if I heard  " Cirebon" . And thats true that empal gentong was a special menu from here.  The famous restaurant of empal gentong was Empal Gentong H Apud. This resto also makes a food product that can be ready to eat. I see the product when I was in food exhibition. 

3. Sugar Factory 
Book that I told u as my inspiration to go to Ciledug Cirebon has a background abt the sugar factory too. In  this book kwee family was an owner of sugar factory and a crazy rich one. So i also googling abt sugar factory in ciledug cirebon
And I found this " Pabrik Gula " the name of this Pabrik Gula is Pabrik Gula luwung gajah in kecamatan ciledug, is an heritage from Mayor Tan Tjie Kie, and thats different from the book that i told but he still categorized as a "crazy rich" in this old era. Fyi , he (Major Tan )also built masjid (mosque) for the sugar factory worker. The name of this mosque was masjid nona, the design of this mosque was a mix of europe , javanese , and chinese taste. 

4. Wisata flyingfox 
If u type "tempat wisata di ciledug cirebon" then you can find some list. And flying fox is 
on the list too. there are 3 places for flyin fox : Those are flying fox ciledug wetan, taman wisata kabuyutan and in taman siwalk . Fyi taman siwalk is a syariah cottage 

5. Waterboom 
i put this information abt waterboom, cause an article that i read said that waterboom is a popular one in ciledug cirebon -- the name of this waterboom is jempol waterboom 
Interesting rite ? And the price for this is Rp25000-30000,- . So i think the price still affordable and it is worth to try :D

5. Alun-alun kota ciledug 
the last one is alun -alun. Alun alun is a place that u can taste as a local taste. Coz just like other alun alun in other places of course everything just a simple one and even only a big field , nearby from this place u can find some street find food and u can try to have some fun too with "mobil-mobilan like this 

*fyi in alun- alun in ciledug tangerang also has been built in early 2025 and im ready for it  ;D 

Thursday, December 5, 2024


 65 is a number of an old age that means in an elderly group or lansia. In this post I just want to share the idea of makin a tiny home for an elderly and maybe it can be the idea for mine when i get through this period  XD 

The story behind this idea is thinkin abt a house that can makes the elder feel comfy and safe. As you know people at this age should pay more attention to their mobility, so in this idea i just make this house with one floor or satu lantai.  

And here's the idea : 

so after u check this out , maybe it can be some tricky question.  why i need to put an iron stuff in the bedroom if i want to feel safe --> and this is my argument : actually I put this because i make a tiny home , so the free space that can be possible to put this was the bedroom, beside that I want the acivity of some risky things can be seen and thats why the door for the bedroom was a sliding one and was close to the other room. The other question for this idea it might be why i make this house tiny ? and just like my argument before , that i need to think when me just alone in this house and need to clean up by my own XP  , so just imagine if the age is much older and needs to clean up this house alone( kan ada go clean said some people again but can u imagine if ur floor get dirty at midnight eheheheh.. )

The idea of this elderly home design actually already create by some people and already execute in real, and heres the link to find out : 

Other links :

So what do u think ? Have u got the idea for urself ? aahaha XP 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

yang cupu silahkan merapat XP

this post is still abt game, but this post is a thing or a tips to escape the reality for a cupu gamer to face the emotion if they lose while playing in real ( mmm probably its only me XP). So its a book,  a book that can train your chess skill . I play this puzzle on and off . This book title is 1001 chess exercises for beginners  by Franco Masetti and Roberto Messa, and u can check this book in online store. I cant display this book in here because the book already lecek or in a messy way :P 


And its not only a book which can solve problem for cupu gamers, online game like chess dot com can make a peaceful space for a gamer too XP 

So let see how good (the popular) chess dot com 

I like to play with some bot in here and I like to play with some online gamer too in here. Chess dot com also provide some different puzzle to play everyday, they also gave a score for chess dot com member and I already become a member in this app, but if you dont want to lose ur score just dont be failed when u play with the other online gamer or just make a second account like me :P and its pretty good to make my stable emotion XD 

Monday, November 4, 2024

Pong Game : Back to ur soul / back to ur dimension

hi there its me again with another thing to share of course 

so what kind a thing that i will share in this post ? 

i will share how to make a game with an app , its interesting 'cause beside u can be a game player u can also make ur own game :D thats a scratch app that i mean for this 

and heres the tutorial that u can try : 

i also make my own game with this tutorial too  :

as u can see thats a same type game -- its a pong game ; but mine i just name my own w back to ur soul XD 

or i can name it w back to ur dimension 

i name it  becoz thats a kinda philosophy thing that relate w  tipu2 condition ..

so the ball in here needs to touch the paddle and get the score, rite ? --> thats a same thing like me or any people in tipu2 dimension needs to back to their truly soul/dimesion at the end of the day xp ( lol , i guess pong game maker at the first time never think this a philosophy hahaha , or maybe just me make it my own philosophy and make a relation w my own :D ) 

the other thing is red line ; the red line is  a sign that u just walk too far from ur soul or dimension hahaha or maybe u just fool by tipu2 club hahah XD 

and the last one is background : i just make many diff background in here for many levels: it means that whereever u go just dont forget to back to ur soul or ur dimension cause there is a tipu2 dimension or tipu2 world hahahah ( fyi ; in the last one i bring neon background as a sign for "digital thing" or techno -- i make a sign for this cause there is a case that tipu2 thing can happened in whatsapp status too ( hide and seek cilukba status whats app with sound and music for e.g  XD)

Nah , thats it so lets play it my pong game or back to ur soul game or back to ur dimension game :D 

Thats it and sound " yahh"  from me at the end cause i cant finish the game XD

Monday, October 14, 2024

warkop miras

 the main idea of this (imagination) building is not abt warkop (warung kopi) actually, its abt public bathing 

and the inspiration of public bathing is because the habit of mine in travelling 

so i love to take a bath when i travel i mean the first thing on my mind when i just arrive to a new place or destination (if i cant do bathing i just change my clothes actually fyi :P i thought people are same rite ?!) 

ok, so back to the topic --- Public bathing that i create w room planner app is  including another public places like mushola , warkop miras (sorry if its ironic :P) , and also dorm or hostel on the top floor

Public bathing that i create in here is my imagination and its an unisex.  I also create a simple design mushola near from here. 

and talk abt warkop miras - this warkop ( warung kopi aka coffee shop) will including alcholic drinks. Why ? because i like it :p and i also imagine people who come in here can be vary. ( Vary in taste ). Another story behindd warkop miras is the last story that i heard from a guy that i knew who talk abt his travelling experience and I just imagine the place that he told me can be like this . And I just find ( just my opinion) its an exotic asian :P 

the last one is the top floor which including the hostel/dorm. And this is where the money turnover ( aka perputaran cuan ) haha . i think it can be a good thing for bussiness purpose. So I just create 4 rooms which there are 3 ordinary rooms, and 1 special room (because including bathroom and tv). another room in this floor just like an ordinary and simple for dorm ( like bathroom, simple kitchen, and terrace). 

Oke so lets take a look this build  with barry song my first , my last , my everything . i put this song because this is my first time to design  a building like this :D XP

This build ( my imagination building ;p) still need some repairment, i mean there are some that i need to edit or adding actually but this is the final result until this day. After watching the video u can see the pict beside it --> thats the real pict that capture from room planner app. 

I like the result actually ( even i still give some improvement until rite now :p), and i think this build can be a good prospect for bussiness idea ( cieileh hahah :D ) . There are many things on my mind too abt this building ,  but  rite now I just execute this w room app 

PS : this post actually already edited for many times because the writer and also the creator which is me feeling confuse to choose the background music for the video :D 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

i finally found u

 hey this title is not a kinda song , its my expression abt the song that finally i found after "sekian purnama" (after a long time ) 

and what is the special thing that makes me want to post it ? 

cause this song like many song that i heard ( i just turn it again and again )

this song is from Gabrielle - When a woman 

I heard this song in 90's when i was in  an elementary school and i heard this from radio

this song also release in 90s , beside this song I had another song that finally i know just recent :

and it is Black box - fall into my love 

still same, I just knew this song from the radio 

Actually there are some song that I just curious to know the title and play it again,  but I just not found this yet .. so I only na na nana in my mind :P with some piece of lyric ( the lyrics that i remember : this is sunny day when im  blalablalala  ..)  So I think its gonna be my "kerjaan" then to find it out later :p

And btw i also make an album, a music playlist that i remember and i heard in 90s .. 

this album not including all the music that release in 90s but what i heard in 90s 

Just click 👉Pas Jaman 90an

And this is it, Enjoy !

Friday, October 4, 2024

Anak (transport) busway pengen banyak gaya tapi kondisi terbatas

 Hi its me again, and today I want to share another thing, and its not abt music (again)

just like the title of this post, anak (transport ) busway pengen banyak gaya tpi kondisi terbatas or in english : 

pals w busway transportation wanna be cool but had a limit condition 

Its abt how to stay bodrex even u had a limit condition. 

the limit condition that i mean is like in my case which is abt transportation 

yeah transportation can be the x factor to some case, like how u dress up 

for e.g if u go with ur own car, u can prepare ur own things better especially if u go to two or more places. 

u dont need to bring a lot of things , or dont need to put ur things on locker and etc ( just in case for sport ) ) 

So in here i just want to share some tips to look differently in many places even u had a limit 

And here are some tips 

1. preparin different style of ur hair 

its a kind of weirdo things but in 2018- 2020 earlier ( i forgot the exactly year actually)-- i always change my hair color to meet someone and it depends (thanks to miranda hair color btw, its my companion for this :P) , but now  i just need to change my hairstyle not the color. In this pic I just wear a scraft to make a diff look of mine and what i want to underline in here is : i just   need to bring only a waist bag for My "banyak gaya" session:P

2. preparin different style of ur outfit 

Just same like the prev one -- this one also a trick to get a diff look in a day 

i can give u a diff look with bring a hat and also scraft ....  

I can give u some diff taste and this is how i do it if i had more than one place to go :D

3. preparin different footwear ( relatively ) 

For this tips, u need to bring a bigger bag actually-- ( i mean not a waist bag) 

In this pic : I just show u how to make a diff look w the jacket and shoes. Actually I make a diff look w the necklace too and its the way to wear a necklace --pity i didnt capture enough for what i mean

Ok let see what I mean by pics : 

idk if this one information is important enough or not as a tips , but maybe some people need coz sometimes there is a limititation like me  :P 

so I just share it, u wanna try maybe :P

selamat mencoba 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Java island

 Hey there this post is still abt music, and this is my playlist on spotify which called Java Island 

This one is a playlist that I heard when I was in Java Island -- East java and Central Java specifically 

there are many genres in here, but there is a story behind lee ritenour music-- this music was heard for the first time by me when I was in East java tulungagung, and I knew this from my dorm's kitchen. The man who work at there loves to turn this music in the morning. He loves to play lee ritenour's album -overtime.  First song of his that fits to me  is  " Is it you" 

What abt the other music ? Others was a music that I already knew , just knew it from youtube, music that I heard when I was in  cafe ,airport , dorm , toilet, or other places at there ;p, and music that i sang when i was in karaoke

oke so here they are and take ur time :D

Saturday, September 28, 2024

good times

This song is one of my fave and remains me abt the old days and some moments before tut ahhahh or  maybe before we knew tippu2 dimension hahaha

Oke lets see what kind of mood that this song can brings ..

Yesterday I just make a photovideo with this song that cover by Thai's talent.

I make with my cats pic.. 

I like the result and I want a little more :D 

So I just make some video that really means good times for me.

And here they are :

1. My photovideo w my college friend - this one is my first time using this song as a backsound. i just make it w karaaoke version of good times. 

2. My photovideo w my friends 
Not like before, I choose another song for this photovideo. I choose Watchin' us by Jamie Aditya . Actually I just made photovideo w good times song too, but for writing interest (lol) I just save the one

Nah , can u feel what I mean abt the good times :D 
Those photovideo is really means a good times and bad times to me :D 

So, enjoy ! 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Building castle way up high

U can be like this part of this lyric if u know something that already happened wkwkw

Oke I mean this : Sometimes life can be easier if u know some dimension beside urs

Like I always said tipu2 dimension

so what will I share in here ?

oke some trick again from them so u just see them and the same case like “smell of fart “

1.     1. Akward

Not every akward moment is a part of tipu2 dimension, but if u are a target and u feel something that is a bit weird. Judge it “tipu2-tipu dimension” asap then u can think more wisely what kind of dimension that u face it. 

Another shape of an akward feeling is getting an headache , like i always said before. And its a part of tipu2 dimension who tried to make u feel tired w them until they get what they want. Proof : of course there is a proof of this and its (still) abt my friend who got a "busy mind" when she was in her office, and surprisingly she just feel free after step out.. nah this drama is a collab drama (whispering + tired + find ur self ) and find ur self is the reason why they did that to u. ( if ure a target ) 

2.     2. Camouflage

This part always happened even the true thing that already prove. So anytime u knew something and there is a proof too, be ready for the next drama for their camouflage. Ok this statement also have a proof too ; ( this case already happened and I already experience it in office and another collegue said this “duh kok masalah ada terus sih “ or “why is there always problems ?

    Like my case ritenow : choki. This one is true and also prove the ironic things abt monitoring and why they know all the step of mine. The story of choki also prove why my family and some close people change their act and their attitude to me. 

    But I always kept this proof too and announce them abt this cause better to find my choki thann doin some drama things like hide and seek ciilukba or the sound and music fairytale :D

3. shaking ur emotion 

this one is a weird thing cause people in dunia tipu2 said that they like to shake our emotion or mood by the sound and music fairytale. I got this fact after they already confess in front of me hahaha .. ( just like a music composer :p). Shaking ab emotion will happen if u consider them as a joke or lelucon too. Nah they will tried and analyzing urs after that then doin this shake shake the emotion just too discover a thing of "lelucon identity" or joke identity of them. But this is true too coz ive got the proof as usual. I can seay this because i caught them laughing or ketawa tiwi behind me or behind some new comers :P  ( actually the kind of people that i already caught is ibu2 hahaha -->married people -->list hahhaha)

4. ill do anything according the data 

yes this one is true too, because my phone already hacked and of course there is an analysis of it. maybe the calculation abt my mood can up or etc. u know what this one also a fact and i already experience before in my previous office. they use a "spy" --> then talking some random question and after some days they (office management tipu2) show up my conve again hahaha. they also say let the wall speak up hahahah .. how come ? Maybe some people were busy today so they use hacker and try to find my data :D 

5. do the opposite or the same things 

nah this one also a fact too, because some people who work in management or dunia tipu2 said this to "mengambil hati" . They said like that to me, but after the secret has opened for general.. what do u think if there is a case like this ? ---> acting ? hahaha ( i already caught them too ) 

6. cupid attact 

omg , this one is a common case :D some people man/ woman can make a feel like flying sometimes .. but dont be geer .. cause its a trick too. how do u know he/she is a part of tipu2 dimension -- first one : can u feel something like headache when u met him/ her , then just  check w the list :  are the people that u face : already married , connect w married people, just married ( list with proof),if this list can be mark with yes so u should think abt emotion that u got .. ( there is an evidence too and why i always display this list ? the reason is because there are a lot of case that can be solve w this list even my friend who works in tipu2 dimension also had this experience and i think she already know the source of it, because it always happen eventough she has move from one job to another and the pattern is always same ) . how abt if u dont get enough sign like an headache --> nah dont worry if u feel geer w some person or had an emotion.. there is a list too .. just talking to them as usual but also see the list that i already prepared.and how abt if ure really curious abt this someone in this case even there is a list displayed on ur mind: 

nah if u had a feeling w some person and its suspected w tipu2 dimesion , i got my trick and here they are : 

1. tell them many sides of urs at the beginning, if he/she accept then u can go to the next level 

2. shows ur condition when ure unbodrex one, let see how they react w this condition. if he/she says oke after he/she thinks that the communication w u is nice then go to the next level  

3. dig him/ her ( just in case u like this person so much or more curious abt him/her :P)  digging is important , i think digging can gives u some info abt ur crush. Ok this might be a weirdo one , but in my case i just check with V or yes when i knew that my crush wasnt affraid with a rat and i can prove that. hahahaha 

**idk why people on my list love to did hide and seek cilukba and sound and music fairytale --it always happpens.. and when it happens u should check the list too :D  

7. Tipu-tipu united 

How to make someone in bad temper or feeling annoyed at the same time ? Easy -- just sent them an emotion when he/she got feeling unwell. And this trick also happened in tipu2 world especially if ure a target from them. I also had an experience w this in my previous office, they tried to make me feel bad w talking abt health condition that scares me. Nah if u got an irrational emotion with some tricky people-- thats called u already joined w tipu-tipu united .. Welcome to the club hahah..(this case already happened, just sent them an announcement and its including some fact in my whatsapp status and sent it directly to the person :D)

3.      8.. Lead us to the one thing

This one also true cause I had fact and I heard from the bala2 or the member of tipu2 -tipu dimension that they said : if u are a please always be a , or iif ure b please always be  b.

Actually its suka2 or do whateva u want because they will do the same thing too : do whateva they want.

9. Bible of problems (everyday problem :D) 

oke, since my mobile phone already hacked and all the people join to the club of tipu2 dimension- there are always problems like this : ---> they will do this again and again , repeat this again and again ;P

- wake up in in the morning and be surrounded with bala2 

- left the place where i was staying with the taste of tipu2 aka hawa2 ntut 

- along the way to the next place with the taste of tipu2 

- arrive at the destination with welcome taste of tipu2 

-  wake up- arrive are the same game called place. Nearby Place is the game that some office love to do. They want us to nearby to them and etc, but dont worry if ur place is actually nearby to ur office u just need to know that is a kinda of profit for them cause it can be easy to gives u a "taste" and lead to the one they want. proof : the leader of my prev office ask me abt my domicile and ask me to had a dorm nearby the office, in this time i dont feel anything until she said : kamu ga ngerasa apa2.. maybe the way of place in here is to make someone not bomat or bodo amat :D so like my office (which is nearby ) ritenow they just do many things to makes me think there is something but actually nothing (or just a tipu2 things) and i believe that my current office also acccompany/ connect to others :p . Proof : choki case

- the nearby place which  is a kinda of recent drama rite now is a ' tipu2 berjamaah things. u know why because people actually connect to each others even the office that love to bring me some drama until rite now but the drama always like this : ( hide and seek cilukba , waiting me to sit in another room and making sound and music ) nah people around me ( everyday people also involve in this drama - wanna proof ? of course there is it --  they always bring me " a taste "while im  on the way in this office and also people around in this office area.. they just bring some taste too .. and anoother proof again is people around me will give me the same sound and music like the office did. so thats called --> tipu2 berjamaah 

- in this office they also give me a taste like " seolah2 ga boleh" annother place tooo .. how they do that ? w sound and music + they will do an ironing + cilukba -- with the help of angel hacker. this is true and the others office and place did too. wannna bet ? i just check when i do this they wiill come suddenly or not -- and yes thats true. there are things that i did on inett and invites them to be an iron man or woman w sound and music hahah and if i dont have any sense of the office , the actress will ask an help for another people, to makes me think there is something hahah .. thats happened so many times hahhahah -- ( i also test them in a day , they didnt act the same thing w another employee :P ) 

- Actually the taste of nearby place already happened for many times since my phone hacked. and its happened in an office where i had a shift on there. they will do the same things again and again ( actiing again and again ))And the taste that they bring almost same but only differ in the name of people +  sound and music. Proof : in my previous office this hide and seek cilukba already happened too, but of course the name or the person who act in here is differ from my prev, just same like hide and seek cilukba -- it also happened in the sound and music too :p  

- i almost forget nearby place already happened in my past also ( again and again) . This drama is same in some way w the office. In my past, the office always bring me some taste that can makes me ( if i dont know ) feel bad or inferior. so if i can be mature w their action and suddenly leave , they will come to me and talking nice w me. some person in this story also act to show their "air mata buaya" hahah ( and again its ibu2 again). So the story that happened rite now is almost same, but just wait they show crocodile tears or talking nice suddenly hahah :D   ( again prooof proof proof :p) --> but will they do crocs tears again or not cause i already write it down my experience in my past hahahah but what i know until today they just send me iiron man/woman- sound and music + hide and music cilukba at the same time or maybe fart whisper with some music (but u must be in the differ room for make this mantra mujur hahaha ) :D :D like an actress and actor in some office they will do that again and again --> maybe for making me to think that theyre a serious people not a joke one ( but i already had a fact and an experience :P )hahah 

- so like in these days people will make an act like there is something, i guess is for a kinda test. and u know what the nearby drama that happened in my past, its on again and it same :D they will make an act that makes me feel tired of something or havin limit of something ( aka not free) --> i guess they want to lead me to one thing -- omg everyone should be free for sure .( btw my family , my close friend and neighberhoood  or people that actually not relate w office also act differ they act to make me feel like there is something that more than acting, and thats why dunia tipu2 want to unite me with that ( i think normal people will had their own comfy zone or zone wo dunia tipu2)   so back to the topic of this ---> this test also want to test me how strong i am , wanna proof ?? ask many office ..and also the office with crocodile tears haha they act same, they act until i just leave them sudden or thinking this is tired then ---> crocodile tears + talking nice ( idk what kind of bible that they read ?? XD ) 

-what nearby place bring rite now is always a problem, and they always wait me to feel something ( i know this trick cause itss already happened in office). And everyday --> just a kinda schedule to them to make an act of something, makes me forget they still act and give an emotion. what things that theyre not give me yet ?? -- talking nice and crocodile tears :D hhahahah. PS : nearby place also connect to other place actually, but the nearby one can give me more emotion because they are near for sure. 

- people are waiting for me to forget that they are still giving a trick drama or tipu2 drama ( proof : some actress or actor will say yah udah ketawan or their face can be like "a shock person" if i can caught them while preparin for acting;P ---> borderline the word of acting cause this word can gives u tthe reason why  i called them dunia tipu -tipu) How to makes me forget ? they will act the same thing like what i write it down in  this post again and again until there is an emotion or maybe i feel tired to think that they just lelucon or act like lelucon thing hahaha :p ) 

- then they will do : hide and seek cilukba and sound and music fairytale. hide and seek cilukba is a classic tale that made from some people too and the purpose is to make a taste when u just meet a person. Proof : i already experience this more once, in my previous. I just realize the same pattern when i got an interview in the office, some interview will make an act like this  and dunno why some hrd will act hide and seek cilukba like this hahaha 

- Hide and seek cilukba + sound and music fairytale also sponsoring the way they change our mood or how we dress up. Proof : again and again this already happened in my previous office. In my previous, hide and seek cilukba also happened in whatsapp  status ( beside in real )and there is a victim of it and its my bestie again. she already trapped w hide and seek cilukba in whatsapp status then she just an overthinking to change her display picture hahaha.. and me is a conselor for that :p  

- Hide and seek cilukba technic : first they make u think theres nothing , then suddenly cilukba .. they will give u a drama and makes u think confuse. This case ( as always ) already happened in my previous , which hide and seek cilukba makes me confuse abt hair tied or loose. (proof again :p)

- Hide and seek cilukba technic also can be found like this : u need to separate in another room and then they will come to cilukba after a while, they need to separate u from the common things then they will cilukba again as always :D hahha .. ( proof : this one already happened in my previous office-- people in the office suddenly change their act to me like i am a target of ditipu by makes me feel "i am alone" and separate me in another room ..hahahaha .. later they will cilukba by doin anything that makes me feel like there is something to taste hahaha ..and u know what in another office they act same too like this but when I realize this is same they said this to me " yah uda pernah ngerasain yah hahhaha " ...but they will do that again :D:D and if they knew that i think is a joke or lelucon they will act "sok ganas" or another drama can release instantly just to cover this haha ) 

- Another game from hide and seek cilukba is "iron man" or setrikaan.. in this game some people will cilukba u or surprise u w mondar mandir aka act like what iron did .. haha :P they will do that in the name of "moment" or  whatever it is but with the help of angel hacker ...Some of this idea of this act is for make a new taste or make a new mood. proof : in my previous : i had this experience and some people in management ask me to move from one room to another room, and suddenly they just sent some bala2 to my room to did this ( hide and seek cilukba and becomin an "iron man " hahaha :D) 

- iF u are a target hide and seek cilukba + sound and music are things that mostly happened, those combination also want you to have a taste by waiting for a while and then they will come w their cilukba hahha

- if u are a target for some people they will try to make a drama w this trick to make u feel there is a limitation of something --> hide and seek cilukba + sound and music fairytale. there is a proof also of this and its my friend, my senior in office who said that they already knew this trick 

- another thing that happened if i forget this action and the bible of problem -->  they will shake my emotion. proof : in my previous my workmate said that : siap2 ya , nanti kita mainkan emosinyaa hihihihi ( be ready we will shake ur emotion ) 

- oke so if i can be laugh w the action or make a joke w the situation they will show the "ganas" thing of them. Proof : i already experience this in my previous with some people ( w ibu2 aand bapak actually ) and when i just laughed w the situation -- they suddenly becoming a ganas version of them ( rite now : all the generation will act the same one :P) 

- Beside that they just want to show that they are more chill but actually connect to each other. Proof ; this drama also happened in my previous office and people around me just make a situation like that, the purpose of this is to make u cant talk normal w them because u are a target -- another proof : they can act normal w others , and in the end they will say what they want actually ( in my prev : they asking me to wfh and ask me to focus in one thing --and its management thing hahaha ) 

- they also love to give their taste by staring to makes me think something 

- They also associate w bad health condition, they will tried to make u in mellow mood with ur bad condition. This one is a case that I already experience in my office before, so this one also a proof :p

-Suddenly : people often doin suddenly in these days. Like suddenly knock2, suddenly make a sound after a silent one, suddenly make a drama after normal talking, or suddenly leave me when me just busy w my own. And this case already happened in my previous (of course and sure ;p ) but they did suddenly calling. Idk why some office need to call me sudden, in case they just call me to ask something that makes me feel like hurry ( its normal but the way that cant be a normal is the way they talk to some senior was distinguished w the junior one like more soft and smoother just like a normal person asking ) 

_they connect to each others so there is a drama called by place and this one can be like this : if i go the place a before then place b will know what i did in place a , and etc . beside that -- if its oke in place a -- they will make a drama that wont be oke in place b, and etc . 

- if im not in the same room they will give a kinda of "fart whisperer" hahahaha and it always happened in tipu2 world .. they tried to make my mind busy too w their fart whisper haha ( some people experience this and realize this after they just step out from their office or resign :p)

- Fart whisper can combine with the classsic  drama 'hide and seek cilukba" , what kind of thingsthat they usually whisper? --> fear and it will happened if u already caught them on preparin , so they will cover all the messy thing of theirs with fart whisper ( dibungkus pake sound and music :D) + hide and seek cilukba :DxD

- if im just " biasa aja " or "just do my own thing" in the atm of tipu2 things they will send me an akward moment 

- if i can feel nothing, theres a taste called cupid emotion by prince and princess from dunia tipu2 :D ( and mostly happened but the fact of this --> its a camouflage  prob actually , and for some older or marriage people can said this later --> whats the matter w u ?? hahaha (theres a proof as always ;P) 

- if i can feel nothing theres another taste called taste by data .. its a collab with their angel hacker. They will said something that i already did on "jagat maya " (internet) haha . the data taste is a collab with angel hacker, and they will said something or do something like u or something oppossite based w the data. 

- if everything has happened and I will think thats "hawa2 ntut" aka fairytale dimension aka dunia tipu2 then they will make a new drama again then they will sent some mom and paps  ( like i always said in my list --list with proof of course :D) 

- then if theres a pressure again -- i will share my whatsapp status that show them abt the fact in my life rite now   (and idk why some people also make a sound and music fairytale or hide and seek cilukba if i share this whatsapp with fact and announcement  haha )

-finally if  i forget all the things that will happen in a day -> i will be like "an overthink" because sometimes it can change the mood too  w all the scene that already happened  ( ya maklumlah kan sendirian yg lain2 rame2). Not only me actually, everyone who is a target can feel the same ( proof ; my friend and my sibling)--beside that i know thats a tipuan taste because later i wont feel nothing or i cant feel nothing too if i already prepare with all the scene that i remember and if they arent ready with their acting :p. dan plg penting : dulu pada ga kayak gini :P and anything that i did is like there is something miss.. so if they change their act it must be --> like all the scene that i already explain in here and dulu ga gitu deh ( the ironic things happened too w massive if i think dulu ga gitu dech .. padahal emang iya dulu ga gitu deh zzst they will make another drama again :p :D)

How do u know u are a target ?

If  people around u suddenly change their habit, and talk the same thing like in office ( mostly this dunia tipu2 case happened in office actually ). Beside that just see my list of dunia tipu2 part and that’s it --more than that is just smell of fart or just like a fart in the wind ( hahaha can u imagine fart collab with the wind ) hahahah

 Fyi : until now people around me never explain what kid of thing thats makes them changed their act to me but they always said this rite now " yah uda ketawan " .. , aya2 naon itu, dulu ga gtu dech ?:P and they will do this again and again (list : bible of problems) just to hide their identity which is fairytale dimension, dunia tipu2 or hawa2 ntut --> so dont forget marking them :P (more solution :

After I wrote this --> they will act same like my post again and again --> tp kayaknya dulu ga gituh deh + ga semua org diginiin deh :P dan ga semua org gituin gw  --> thats called acting and dunia tipu2 :p 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The sign

oh this is ridiculous , u will get funny after this story  and this is abt the lost of choki cat 

ok i will introduce u first : 

this is my cat choki : 

he is a half orange and a half white , his age is abt one year and he has been  sterilized

his habit is just like another common ordinary cat, he likes to scratch, playing , napping , eating , pee, and poop of course :p 

he  also had a habit to go to outside the house, just for walking or hang out for a while. 

his fave spot was in my toilet, or another spot that near from water. 

one day and its august 30, this lovely choki was disappeared without any clue. 

ive got many assumpsition on my mind and also many theory that i made abt the lost of choki, even i also call some vet for asking the probability he got lust even after sterile

i think tooo muuch, until some time of mine was distracted and thats including my preparation time to go to my work , but at the same time i realize thats another dimension ( its called dunia tipu 2 , like i always said ) and its not a secret anymore that this dimension can detect anything abt me and whispering anything to me :P . yeah and its a fact  ; even i just walk out for a while from my home, they will knew it.  beside that they also already hacked me for sure ( this one is another fact too ) 

so I realize, if they can detect my life so accurate , why they just confess abt their identity  and help me to find my cat coz the logic said that my cat which is more blonde (orange)  than me ( my hair also coloring tooo ) so it should be easier to see w their hacking technologic or maybe their cctv. 

And I sent whatsapp status like this 

oke let me trasnlate this in english : 

Dear world of deceit aka smell of fart aka world of fairytale : lets confess all the things that u already make it such as spiriitual language , and monitoring me w ur high tech. i hope all paps and moms can find my choki which is a local male cat,  has been sterilized, the color is a half orange and a half white, redish eyes,  and i lose him since august 30th. Lets be fair that if u can detect me even u i just leave my home for a while,  my cat choki should be detect w ur tech too coz my cat was more blonde than me -- i think ur cctv can easier to monitoring him too :P

but no one react to me until now, instead they just give me some whisper to think this and that llike always. ( the same pattern like office or other space w tipu2 world )  

things that happened after this tragedy and the wa status : 

whispering , this one already happened. especially before i leave my home and its not secret anymore that dunia tipu2 loves to whispering something to target ( wanna proof ? open my prev post that shows my bestie who can think so much when she work in office, and after step out from the office she feels free ) 

so what kind things they whisper ?? mostly they can spread FEAR , yes its fear wo any solution ...its the characteristic of the dunia tipu2 whisperer . then anytime (ritenow) they send me fear , i will send whatsapp  w choki photo, its clearr enoough to show them the fact and things that they can do beside whispering ---> and its a job to find my cat, choki  

beside that, i also prepare myself for some probability, i mean another drama that maybr they willl make it. So I sent this ; 

Translatation : 

dont forget u guys that a kinda smell of fart and paps + moms who love to laughing or ketawa tiwi sja. 

this pic shows my cats rite now , i send this before all of u make another drama again or whispering something fuzz again. I thinks its bettter to find my cat, choki with hacker bolo2 group ,, paps + moms , and other young people. If u can see me  when i just walk out from my home , u should know the chokis wherebouts now.

so just like they did yesterday , today they will do again and ignoring the whatsapp status that tells the real condition rite now. so anytime they create fear, scare, and many things that relate abt bad things  i will send my wa status as a thing to marking them too. 

actually there are many kind of fear that they already make , but this case is  a clear enough to show the fact that my life already hacked and the reason why some people were changed their act to me. the act that mostly happened is staring at me and makes me feel something. This act is already happened when I was in my previous office too, and when i got this act -- I just think ah it just drama's office. How abt now ? if theres some people did like that to me, not some but almost much people did something like the office did ( staring at me with a taste tipu2 :P) --> I will  think thats a part of dunia tipu2 or hawa2 ntut at first, it makes me easier to distinguish from the real staring one or the staring of dunia tipu2, and thats a same thing like the act of sound and music fairytale :D hahaha.  Another pov : it makes me think this also -->  why all the people act  same and did the office drama too? Hmm I think they already connect to each other with a kinda high tech coz they can detect my location too, so if u can did that to me then I will give u all some task which more meaningful to me -- find my choki :p 

beside that i also open why my life or maybe another 'target' life can be stuck to think the same thing and losing choki means that i also bring the landmark of dunia tipu-tipu too coz this one including some fact that i already caught. which collaborate w this event  or tragedy. 

PS : 

1. when i create this , of course a whispering thing still happened ( yeah becoz my phone still hacked-- its logic and this one is other people experience too) 

2. i give u my photo when i go outside ( in sunny days )  then comparing w choki :P

blonde choki

blonde me :p 

3. the funny thing that  u wait after all of this story is : why they never confess after i already show them the fact with my whatsapp status .. instead they always do the same drama and actually its nothing and i already prove for many times just like what i always said "hawa2 ntut" ';p. 
so dont forget this one too : if in a year weve got bc means before christ and ad means ante domini ( after christ) thats a same thing with the period of dunia tipu2 invansion -- there is bt meanns before tut and also at ( after tut ) hahha :p 
** i always repeat this again and again because this tipu2 things or hawa2 ntut always do the same thing again and again