Monday, August 26, 2024

my first race

hey there finally in this year i had joined race for the first time and this is it : 

my motivation to joined race actually is to get the medal ., and yeah i got it . yippiee 
I had joined race for 5 k .. this is some pic of mine 

first time, i took the race pack. this event was organized by BNI in collaboration with Quscore, so I picked up my racepack at BNI building 

then  jump to the d-day ( august 3rd ) --> This is me when i just arrived the race. I arrived in here on 6.30 pm. this even flag off  on 7.30 pm .. so just captuure the moments in here with some banner and some stuff for sure  :D

When the racing was about to start, it suddenly started raining, then the crew provided raincoats (look at me as a runner i use fake eyelashes hahah .. just be bodrex aka sll ok stiapp saat even for photo session 

finally 5 k and it means that i already finish the race and this is me w  the medal. Surprisingly this medal can connect with spotify .. 

Thats it and so happy after all , then I actually planned to run again in this september :)
cant wait for the next race :D 

Monday, August 5, 2024

remind me

i just scroll my insta, and stalk some public figure that i knew .. 
well , i just scroll himym cast, and its alysonhanigan ( lily aldrin in himym)
and guess what ? i just knew that she already joined a dance competition " dancing w stars" in abc tv, it looks great .. and i just enjoyed to watch her perform 

so her perform actually remind me of my memories abt dancing too , when i was in east nusa tenggara for work .. it was my first time to dance w partner and w other in public ( i mean, the first time I danced was with my family, my grandmother and dancing in her final days when she was suffering from alzheimer and lung disease, i asked her to dance and she enjoyed it) 

ok back to dancing w partner, this thing was something that always made me curious and i just wanted to do it again at that time, because i see at the end of my dancing w partner was a nice thing and for me thats beautiful too( hehe for amateur maybe :P)

then when I returned to my domicile (Tangerang) , the first thing i looked for was a dance class. but I cant joined it at that time because the class was far from my home, and i need some effort to reach that place.. 

so until rite now, i havent joined dance class with partner, but sometimes.. this memories are appear to my mind especially when i just saw other dancing , and i just feel like I want to do it again .. nah today i just want to share this to relieve .. :D yeah relieve my angan-angan and something that I havent done it yet (again)..

And after all this is my pic dancing in public w my friend, pity the video disappeared in my cellphone because an error thing or full memory  


Friday, July 19, 2024

short story

Today I want to share my short story , and guess what is the moral at the end :P 

okay lets start it .. 

once in a while, my friend came to my dorm with frustating and madness after a fight with her husband. 

then she told me much abt the choronology of it, and she said that everything happen because her husband was in bad temperament and she wants to give up, and it means divorce 

then I ask again , what abt the kids ? she said : i dunno , but i feel tired so i just need  a space ritenow. 

Oh okay i continue my conve to her again , then I suggested her to relax and think more abt it , because maybe it just missunderstanding and she was in an  emotional state too. 

So, after all the crying things and madness things , she just spent her day to my dorm with calling some friends to tell them the same story and after that she just slept with me in my dorm. 


The next day, after waking up and clean up ourself ( took a bath and etc ..) she just realize something and its a kinda of  her turning point. She just realize that she forgot to bring her skincare , daily cream and etc .. hahahah. ..then guess what after realize this .. all the madness, crying , and frustating suddenly disappeared. and voila , she just think how to back to her house and take all the skincare daily routine , haha, and if its hard to do (because need to spent a lot)  she got an option to buy again at the beauty clinic.. 

Oke so what is love actually ? is it a self love is more than ever haha -- lol 

Maybe u can answer this , can u feel or bring love to someone if u are not finish with ur own hahaha .. 

U can find own moral by urself heheh...:P:P

PS : my friend now lives happily with her husband and children, also realize the mistake of the past 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

random - health poster

 If u don’t have such a motivation to brush ur teeth, or maybe a lazy one to clean up some stuff on ur body.

Here , I make a poster to motivate u  and actually this is me with my gingivitis lol

(mm maybe it can works  for some people who love practicing hahah )  --just one of my keisengan actually Xp

So go ahead to clean up ur self, be the best version of urs and remember this :  health is the new wealth :P

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Runaway bride

 Have u ever watch runaway bride (1999) the movie by Julia Roberts? If u never watch this , I recomm u to watch this romcom. Its interesting because u can see that the bride always run when the wedding ceremony is happen and its because a kinda physicologic thing in her mind. This one can such an ironi thing, because the columnist that make a sarcasm for this story fall in love w the runaway bride (Magie-Julia Roberts) too, and he (the columinist--Ike--Richard Gere) was also left behind at the wedding. 

Thats the  short abt this movie , here -rite now I want to talk abt my fave scene in this movie :

Fave egg

Magie as a runaway bride always run and she never stick with one person or one thing even the fave egg that she prefer to. She always confuse abt her fave egg and she change her mind depending with the partner she was with. in this ending, we can see that magie finally can choose what she wants including the person that she wants in her life. And she decide  her fave egg too thats benedict egg as her fave , of course after she test herself .(-- even is not important , scramble egg is my fave fyi hehheh… what abt u ? )

Private wedding

In the last scene, we can see that magie can be honest to her self finally and its abt her wedding dream that is more private and its abt to make a pleasure for herself. She said : I hate big weddings , everybody staring. Id like to get married on a weekday while everybody's at work and if I into the sunset i want my own horse. (I likee this idea btw) 

not everyone can be honest with their dream, even the wedding dream. But have a wedding on a weekdays, still have a space with ur partner (riding her own horse) and communicate this-- thats a kinda of an honest thing and everyone should make a pleasure to theirself first like this 

Giving her own shoes 

Finally , we can see  the most popular quote with the romantic vibe from this movie.and this one still in the last scene.  Its start with magie givin her running shoes to ike and its a symbolic thing that she wont run again.

the quote : 

I guarantee that we'll have tough times and i guarantee that at some point one of both of us will want to get out but I also guarantee if I dont ask u to be mine ill regret it for the rest of my life coz I know in my heart ure the one for me.

u know what make this quote can be a fave one, i think because this statement is also an honest thing coz we hear  a bad thing probability, dats mean ga denger yang pas bagus2 aja.. just borderline these words I guarantee that we'll have tough times and i guarantee that at some point one of both of us will want to get out.

Friday, June 21, 2024


 Today I want to share my own experience as a newbie to practising ukulele.

so what the story behind this ?

actually I practising this becoz I want to continue my experience to playin guitar even I just play “lagu yang itu-itu aja” heheh but I just want to play, especially to train my skill with guitar melodic .. so this one I show u my guitar melodic – (only intro)

and what abt the ukulele ?

oke, the reason to playin this instrument is because I never knew ukulele before and I never knew ukulele is different from guitar hahaahha. I have a plan to buy a lil guitar actually , so I can bring it everywhere and I can play anytime ( even in dunia tipu2 hahaha) --:P but when I was in store and I asked  to buy a thing that I think is guitar the seller said that is ukulele … :P:P:P beside that when I ask the price of the ukulele …its fit to my own .. so I better to choose ukulele (fyi lil guitar is more expensive.. wkwkwk) ..

and here is my jam w ukulele ..

Enjoy ? actually i havent play a lot with this instrument .. i need to "stem"  or tuning this ukulele again coz some chord and rhythm still not fixed and sounds normal...

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Teh celup

Teh celup

This one is a funny thing , and what is a real life mean actually

So what is teh celup means in here  ?

Teh celup means mencelupkan diri in a water (of course)  and what is the background of doin this , I don’t have an idea to talk with some people (new people) and I don’t like just sit at that time heheheh

So I feel like an awkward and dunno what to do

oke, so heres the situation 

There is a time when I met some new people. Then one of this people in this group asking me to playin  something  with them .. and yeah i just play it. I play soccer at that time, but if we had a conve or just sit without doin anything then i go to the beach and mencelupkan diri in a water of course . I just repeat this for many times.. because I don’t have an idea to talk and a bit confuse ..

But everytime I got myself to mencelupkan diri in the water of beach .. I just feel like battery full .. not confuse and blablabla

Its not happen for once only.. in another case in curug .. while accompany my friend to have a date .. I can make such a pleasure to mine .. just watering mine with the water of curug ..(another kinda of mencelupkan diri)

I don’t hate to talk but I don’t have an idea at that time. Just a simple like that.

So if u don’t know what to do and need to pleasure urself  I suggest u to do teh celup by ur own .. and see how it works :P

Selamat mencoba :D

Bye bye room planner for a while


Finally I quit from roomplanner app

I got a crazy moment after some project that I already made were crash by an error system

So I just think some idea in my mind without execute it.

But I cant talk much abt that in this post

I would like to share some idea that I already made in this app

Just like a “kenang-kenangan”


Home design

This one was inspired abt room for pleasure .. and a to the point thing (lagi -lagi.. hash)

But that’s true what I really want is a kinda like that

I just imagine a room with an exactly function . and taa daa u can see it from ground floor until second floor, I never make an excuse to do another thing without the real action, like there is no a room for just a beauty or mempercantik kali yaa .. ehhehe..

I don’t know but I never imagine an house which agak bertele -tele .. maybe because I imagine how to clean up the house if Im alone in this house or be an inem in this house when im alone hehehe... 

So that’s all . I think I don’t have an idea to talk again .. sse ya

(ps : i dont have a time to make a green space in my home design cause im affraid of the error one)


Sunday, May 5, 2024


To be honest i make this post for twice and finally i did.  Finally I make my own house design with room planner app :D

First time i make this post, I make this w full  emotion ( like feeling excited too much :P )cause finally I did .. so maybe it looks a lil bit messy in my writing or maybe u can say agak belepotan. Hehehe  ..but whatever it is at least i like it 

So, today ( july 17th 2024) i want to rewrite this post and share my idea abt home design.  I want to share the basic idea of makig the home design with the karaoke room, coz i think this basic is more simple and is clearly enough that i make without havin much emotion hehe , so its not look like a belepotan thing .. 

and this is it .. (with finally song by emdey..)

nah if u remember my previous post i make ground floor and first floor for home design , but in here i just share the basic. the idea of this home design is abt fun , and thats why i make a  karaoke room in front so if i have a guest i make me and myguest to choose how long to make time for basa basi or we can continue to have fun soon :P  

Saturday, February 24, 2024


 1. woke up in this early morning w feeling good by muse on spotify, and i really feel good because i can differ what i really want and what the fairytale dimension makes me think or taste something that actually nothing

2. so what is fairytale dimension ? for me fairytale dimension is a dimension that already nothing happen but they always act like theres something happen and actually they usaully follow a command from their boss or it can be their initiative if theyre actually the boss of it. and why i specifically said its a fairytale because i see the similarities between the drama that they made and some story in fairytale for e.g : they adopt a drama from a new clothes for king by hc andersen idk iits true or not but if u are w worker and u find a day that makes u feel bad or in a bad hairdo or in a bad costume probably the drama that i told already work in u haha ..  and wheres the dimension happen ? this happen in office .. or in some workplace .. or anywhere else, but in mine its happpen in my workplace. 

3. in my workplace or office theres always a man or woman who act and  makes me think something bad or special. idk why but it always happen, some people said that it just a test , some people said thats a common thing in workplace , some people also said that is dunia tiipu-tipu. and i believe the third one .. because i can feel the different thing after i just exiit the  dooor of the workplace office (i mean the time on the way to go home) and i can feel more free without headache or confuse. 

 4. what if this headache happen in this time , i prefer to.. ( let see the  number  6 :P). the feelin of getting an headache happen  when i already work in real rite now, so if i got an headache when talkin to someone  i decide to think that its gonna be a fairytale hahaha ..

5. rite now this fairytale dimension spread the script in another life of mine  i mean in my family, friends, neighberhood, stranger, and even some people that makes a problem or relate w me in my past. And u know what if i open another thing like another post in this blog or do another thing that not discussing them , they try to makes me think something more than fairytale dimension :P . Evenn they make a title of their drama , they are  actually same like yesterday ( and of course still faiirytale dimension :P).

More over ,  my phone also hacking by  them.  and my cats are also. I mean my cats also "dibuat jadi bahan" w some people in my home for their drama. so everything that relate to me they always makin something to makes me feel this or that 

6. My reaction : i just sticky out of my tounge to them like this :P  to show that we both in the same dimension. i think this is good , but idk why they didnt accept this. Maybe it sounds irrational to act like this for some people , but i ask u what if ur reaction if everyone u talk to or everyone around u are doin something w script and ita following rules from someone or some people ? i think my act is the win win solution yea because with the sign of sticky out of my tounge we both ( me and others) know that we are in the fairytale dimension or dunia tipu-tipu, we wont confuse with the actually thing 

7. idk why they want me to feel something or think something that actuallly nothings, like everything that happen is just a fool. so i think its a kinda embarrasing if i get fool by them. i can fool by my own emotion in 2018 just because  someone stolen my android while im listening to the music and i just try to catch them  because they disturbing mine. and eventhough i have an end in the hospital after trying to catch the penjambret or snatcher..  i think its better to get fool by my own even its a dumb thing also (at least its my own decision) 

fyi : people in my life ( i mean fairy tale people ) actually think thats a kinda experience in my past (the story to catch the snatcher) is a pride also .. but thats actually not relate with that .. actually im hiding my story until they dig  my past life in ptt, why it just 10 months and etc .. that’s a thing .. or they just try to make it or cooking a feel like that also .. like dongeng2 sblmnya ..:P)

8. maybe they can have a good purpose or maybe bad one in this drama , if ure a positive one u trust the good purpose, u can think the bad purpose thing also actually. In my case i guess the purpose is to  make myself can act like a marketing one ? dunno just guessing...i had story too in my previous office and  the drama liike thislead me to work from home .but whatever it is i think its bettter to tell the truth that they are actually act like fairytale dimension. i think it makes clear enough.  

if ure not clear enough w the situatiion so that makes u feel cautious for everything that actually can be normal. i have an experience goin to a drugstore near from my home and they didnt give me the recipt ..i come back for the next month and  guess what they already have a recipt. idk but i have a cautious feeling for this , like what they did actually, is that true they didnt give me a recipt or not. 

the second experience is abt price and etc , sometimes i feel cautious w them because i dont want to get fool by this dimension too also abt the payment and etc. i dont want to lose for sure 

9. while im writing this . people around me just try to making a rasa.. or u can say now theyre cookin ..( i guess they want makes me confuse )  hahah in reality i will come out and show my tounge again to show that i know theyre from fairytale Hhahah

10 . Tips : make sure u know the normal first when u live in this fairytale dimension , so u can not fool by them even abt price, etc.. first dont be geer or gede rasa if someones makin u feel like in the air especially if u just meet up (and of course people around me will bring me a test or give me a test after this statement :P--> i know  they will and i will stick out of my tounge as always and they didnt accept mine too as always :P  -->  people from fairytale dimension :P)  .. second if u dont want to get fool abt the price or something u never know before u can googling or u can ask them.. but maybe u need to be tricky too like them ,  the last one u can show ur sticky out of ur tounge  it sounds weirdo but u can show them that u know dunia tipu2 , at least u are clear enough that people around u is under control of something or makin drama.. :P:P:P

PS : 

1. (again) dunno this one is rite or not but i feel some people still try to makes me think something until the end of writing this blog  so its normal if u find me "merevisi " my own post even its rare in general. But this can be nothing after i sticky out of my tounge as always :P:P:P:P:P

2. by the time i wrote this post, people around me discoouraged me to stick out of my tounge with their drama :P:P:P 


Tuesday, February 20, 2024


 after telling u the story that i like, now its time to sharin my songllist : 

To all unknown viewers :P

please add mine , hope u can enjoy my taste

Friday, February 16, 2024

September by ewf

Listening to September song .. this is one of my fave song because this song remind me a story abt some moments in life ,, especially my moment cinta2an ..hehehh ex, my crush and anything that relate abt love , sharing, cuddlin and etc lol..(dont worry this one is not a bad purpose, just want to share a magic thing abt this song) :P)

At that time, love moments comin , or crush comin  when I listen to  September song or even start in September month too .. that’s why 😊 .. and eventhough theyre not talking like love partner again or boyfriend .. this song always remind me abt the month that I meet them and decide something w them

And again..this song is not a kadaluwarsa song too, because there is always a new cover , and etc . I listen to many version, beside ewf

Listening to this song always makes my mood up, fyi maybe im an old soul one, or a cocoklogi one person, but everytime I start to meet or try a new rship w them theres always September song coincidentally playin or just running on my playlist .. its a sign rite :P?! .. and everything will begin something .. likewise if its the other way around , if theres no September song when the time to meet crush at that time, theres nothing happen for the next meet up and idk why .. but  feel like that and the universe  like sending me a signal w this song .. 

These are some versiion that I already listen : 

1. The original one - September by EWF 

this one is the first one, I was listened this music when I was in  junior high school or highschool , I forgot exactly . but I heard this song from radio at that time.. and this one is the first and the source of magic things happen to me hahah.. 

2.  September by full flava 

This song is the inspiration of this post comin , I heard this song on spotify suddenly when the playlist turn into this song I just remember.. ba dee yaaa.. hhaha 

3.  September w bossanova cover 
Another version abt this song is in bossanova cover. I like this version tooo.. it mcan give u more vibes in cafe 

4.  September by kirk Franklin 
I just tryin to diggin more version abt this song when I wrote this post.. and I found  the soul gospel version..i think this one is more soul.. if u like a soul one, this one is nice to u 

5.  September remix by jnathyn remix 

this is remix version , for me this is a beach party vibes.. or maybe bali vibes.. it suits to heard this with the beach view and some people doin party .. dunno I just imagine this when I heard this... whatever it is .. this remix is a nice also...

Another thing about September song, u can enjoy this song with mash up w another song .. 

6.  Lets groove tonite and september from boston soul zoom video session

or even without lyrics or vocal (just rhythm)

7.  September by jazz funk band cover 

September song is a song that tidak lekang oleh waktu or u can call it timeless <3, u can hear in any era , and any period w many version and various version, beside that this song can makes a good mood and positive vibes for sure .. :) 

The last one , idk the magic of this song can still work to my moments or not hahaha .. but thanks for this song that already give me some story in my life :)<3

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Hi there How was ur election ? are u 01 ? 02 ? or 03 ?

This is not a special experience actually but i just want to share my short abt  many things that already happen on election n how I spent my day with tunjukkan kelingkingmu on election day

1) politisi dadakan

Like covid 19, we can see many people eventhough theyre not learning abt medicine and health or theyre not doctor and paramedic were so active to give what they thoughts and to think a lot abt covid 19. And that’s normal.  When there is a recent issue in this country especially  relates to what they do everyday and there is an impact for them. So that the Indonesian election,  people in here are so active to making podcast , spending a lot of time to watch their choice on utube , tiktok , or x , or videos2 from fb or wa groups ( and me is a person who spent my time to watch it too actually mweheheh  ). Later, people weren’t watch only, they also watch the videos very carefully especially for the one that they like.  People in here suddenly becoming politician or politisi dadakan lol .. or just an activist for their choice with free.. they can give a comment with hate speech (buzzer??:P) and givin a comment with analytical thinking.. ( maybe we can say that they are so deep w their choice or with politic situation in these day). Me as a personal spent a lot of time to watch election and political news during a day running for pencoblosan. How abt u :P  same like me or u have an interest with another news even election and politic were so popular at that time ?  

2) the d -day  

The election day  have the same day as valentine’s day  which is February 14th

First of all I woke up  in the early morning and ready to go to tps .. u know what I don’t have the photo actually (lol) maybe I was busy with some tweet abt the election and my preparation to get the discount (just check insta actually) hehehhe

I  walk to tps near from my home and see what I had at there.. They re not ready and on time like the time they mention it (wkwkwkwk as usual.. , but don’t worry I understand it ) The time that they mention in the paper is 07:30 am , but Ive done to choose it around 9 am, even I come  earlier

There are many people that I don’t know beside capres and cawapres candidates actually.

Oke so I just feeling sure when I choose 01, 02 , or 03.

Then after I choose, I put my paper on box and voila its time to go to another dimension wakakkaa

3) discount time

 After finishing my time at tps , I come to my home first .. u know why ? because I need to wait until 10 am or 11 a m so the market are already open ,and  the staff already arrived of course.

Then I walk again from my home to ciledug raya, just to stop C01. And finally the story begins…

I just capture a video from my window at C01 with my kelinking

I use C01 until kebayoran lama busway station then I continue my jouney with tranjakarta or tj or busway ..

Then come to dcost blok m , I ate food according to promo for election with “tunjukkankelingkingmu “

I ordered ikan fillet saus mangga , ayam fillet saus asam, and the last one I oder kangkung cah bawang putih. Fyi only ikan fillet saus mangga and ayam fillet was in promo the kangkung is not in promo. Total for eating at there is Rp 84000 ,- for 3 items and refill ice tea.

Im not really happy of this actually ,because I had a mistake when I read this promotion . and its not in my expectation, its more expensive than I think .. ok so the mistake to read this promotion is when I read 50% in dcost then I expect all items are with 50% discount .. but actually not .. hahhaa I just knew it when I was there and I see the ad again on insta w carefully … So it makes me think that this is not “my day” because I just predict wrongly and I wasn’t really carefully to read the ad details … shame on me huh x)

Oke so I need to up my mood w my next promotion.  And the next one is hophop. When choosin hophop for my next , I need to find a partner actually so I just pay a half .. I asked the first one and she said no like she didn’t want to drink hophop at that time :P …Just wait ..and finally the girl just come in front of the hophop .. then I asked her to share the promotion “buy one get one”and she said its oke … I was order oreo choco and she was order taro choco.. then lets drink.

Actually this a kentang day for me aka kena tanggung, because I wasn’t really satisfied with my plan and I cant spent a lot in blok m coz I had another plans that day.. finishin my day at blok m on 15:30pm ((arrived in blok m at 12am)  … it means I just spent 3,5 hours for this promotion chance and hang out at blok m pity rite :P :/.. ( and of course at the end of my story i feel like its kentang too in here aka kena tanggung lol)