Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Hi there
Its me again
Long time not typing anything in here.. Just find some inspiration or something that worth to talk
And here it is .. Lets talk about my calculation for happiness
Opening quote :
We have one life to live - and one chance to live it in the richest way possible.
-Judith Thurman
If you cant find love .. find money .. haha lol , just kidding
Love formula
Comfy + friendship + lust = love
Realistic formula
Thinking about future + rational = realistic
Happiness formula :
Freedom – Overthinking – Drama = happiness
Freedom = Money + be yourself
(Money + be yourself) – Overthinking – Drama = Happiness
Money = Motivation + Struggle + Longterm thinking about future
Overthinking = less focus about the real goal + too much listen to others
Drama = thats what you choose
Real happiness
(Happiness + Realistic + Love ) x many times = REAL HAPPINESS
Fyi : Put “love” in the last one  cause to love others you should feel happy with urself first
Hope universe can bring me to my definition of real happiness
*feeling motivated*

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