Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Kutu air

This post is abt kutu air

I never expect to get kutu air in my sole, it was very itchy and I need to scratch everytime 

I remember the day I got this is when i was in my laundry place in my home 

So how to solve this ? 

I give my own tips , but dont try this at home if u think that is a strange one for u 

Oke , I dont use an antibiotic cream , antifungal, medicine tablets , or a kinda like that 

I used antifungal cream when there is kutu air in my hands (past time) , but i also combine with my treatment :P 

What is the treatment ? 

U just need a needle to solve ur kutu air , 

First u can clean the kutu air area with sterile water then give some puncture to every bump in ur sole

Of course ur bump will getting redish, and u still want to scratch it but u need to give a lil puncture again in ur bump.until u can see a clear fluid through ur bump  

Then u can use povidon iodine or betadine (the common merck) to finish the treatment before u close it with kasa. 

Picture : 

1. Thats my sole after I stab it with needle 

2. This one is the needle that i use, just use the needle only ( left picture) 

3. Make sure the needle n the kutu air area are clean and sterile before u stab it. U can use alcohol 70%

4. Close the area that u already stab it with betadine and kasa 

5. After u close it ( look thats my pity sole xD)

6. Follow up the kutu air area in a one week, its gettin better soon hopefully <3

I also kepo to know how kutu air looks like, so i dig some channel  on utube and i found this : 
U can open this link too if u are interested (kepo). For me , kutu air looks like selasih for drink, gettin thirsty rite :P 

Moral of the story : always wear sandals when u are in laundry place :) #thatswhatsandalsarefor #lol 

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