Monday, September 16, 2024

10 K

still abt running and how to escape dunia tipu-tipu haha 

yeah thats for sure. 

ok lets start with the history of dunia tipu-tipu 

Since I work in office, i got an headache issue. Idk why i can got this but when i worked  i can feel some conve with some people in my office can makes me feel awkward and makes me feel like theres something wrong between us. ( but now what i feel is actually right because i already prove it ) 

This issue also happened when I work in "daerah" , i mean outside jabodetabek 
I never tell anyone abt the headache and feelin tired to talk w some people in office. So what i did when i got this syndrome ?  i did escaping, escaping in daerah means having much me time and just find myself in another place .. ( lol like find urself motto from dunia tipu2 office xd) 

when i was in east nusa tenggara for e.g i just escaping my headache syndrome w lunch in another island , enjoying myself riding motorbike , hang out w some friends, and etc.. 

nah , when i just back to jabodetabek -- especially ja-ta (jakarta-tangerang) , i got this syndrome too ( of course) . But i cant runaway or escape this cause in ja-ta the situation is different . and i still lived w  my  parents  and ja-ta actually was my domicile so wherever i go , people will notice i easily .. haha thats a different thing when i was in the outside ja-ta , i can be an unknown person ,  its pretty nice to be a person like that in some way especially if u meet dunia tipu-tipu case. 

So instead escaping them, i choose to do like this common people in jabodetabek and its abt running. This run race is different with my post before because this one is 10 K   and Im so excited abt it because finally I did , even I was run slowly , i just didnt stop to run 

heres my moment , that I capture it 

1. me w new shoes --> actually I bought this coz i just want to feel confident w the race that i already joined because this one is 10 K and i need to feel more comfy when I ran 

2. finishing running
    Me just alone when i did this race , ( ya sound more all by myself since everyone joined dunia tipu-tipu to prank me , and this one is my photo after finishing this race , of course i asked a stranger  ( i mean another runner) in here to capture me :P 

3. medal
yeah for sure this is me again with my medal , wihh so proud abt this :P finally 10 K :D 

So this one can be my second medal, can wait for the next one :P ?? 

PS : 
1. escaping for many problem can be done w anything , but i learned that if u cant run in "konotasi term" that u should to have a real run :D :D 
2. if u got an headache or something in ur mind like confuse or feel akward just like i said before , it can be the sign that universe already tell u that u are in dunia tipu-tipu dimension , so maybe u should check the list of dunia tipu-tipu that i made , and look my post before abt the process--> if there is a similarity act like some drama that i already told that should warn u earlier of dunia tipu-tipu 
3. if all of urs already hack and be a part of tipu-tipu world , then tipu-tipu world just wait what will u do if u just  do everything alone , just bomat or dont care abt the action and "the purpose" of them cause the fact already runnin and already prove. So just be happy w urs :D 
4. people in dunia tipu-tipu also make the fairytale of fear wo any solution, i have this experience too and i already prove this, and its a kinda thing that can makes u got an headache because thats abt "trap". So when the solddier from this tipu-tipu world said u dont think anything huh ? --> its a sign for them to  make them sure u know all the drama or not,  or maybe  they  just make sure too if u know the hide and seek cilukba that still ruin , or annother thing abt acting and tipu-tipu world.  So, if u dont know what it is , they will bring all the tipu-tipu stuff to the next level and in this time u need to prepare urself earlier hahahahaa
5. I just remake this post for many times, coz if there is something on my mind that i remember abt tipu-tipu world , then i just wrote it. So maybe some words and sentences cant be incorrect , but the last thing i wanna said in here is : circle of life ( born in this world wo knowing nothing --> learn edu from parents and school until uni --> then life changes after u meet some case of dunia tipu-tipu --> when life is  gettin old then its time to join w some tipu-tipu partner in tipu-tipu world with haha hihi or ketawa tiwi --> end w laugh :D) 

Sounds PS in this post is not a short one :P but whatever and however it is just remember all the story (solution, proccess, and everything) that i already told in here :D coz the next target can be u :P

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