Before I forget, i better to write it down all the things that happened in my life recently. And still abt tipu-tipu world, oke let me share fun fact abt them :
1. I found a fact that those people in here i mean bala-bala people make a mindset of us to think this or that when we do anything , and make us feel this is bad , and etc . how they do that ? of course they did that with acting and i also know the fact that the purpose of this is for "mengambil hati" ( i know from bala2 people too who had an experience workin in management ) Thats make sense when I got an headache in my previous past, coz the purpose was weird and the technic is weirderer haha. Dont u forget the act of hide and seek cilukba or the sound and music fairytale. Those are things that u should remember, especially if u know that u are a target from them. And thats all of those also make sense with a statement that I heard from someone who knew this trick and he said "managemen km tidak bisa menipuku." So knowing ur dimension is an important too, this one is the same important with just be happy with urs, and do whatever u think is good and u believe is rite as long as it doesnt bothers anyone else ( of course because people who already prank and make a drama in tipu-tipu world just do whatever they want too, and whatever they think is rite too) . Do whateva that u want is a kind of thing too, coz dunia tipu-tipu people had a purpose too to lead us in one thing ( i also caught this fact by myself , somebody confess me abt this and they just did w the trick that makes u feel this or that when u do anything which actually made by them too) .Beside that they just do whateva they want and thats why sometimes i asked why they dont set me free until rite now, set my mind free and set my body and soul free too :D i think they love to be free too
2. camouflage
this one also happen , and this one is relate with the list that i made :
Is the people that u face is :
- already marriage
- connect w married people
- just married
this list can explain the camouflage syndrome ( and the others dram) that happen oftenly in office or in other space that havin trapping atmosphere :P
ok so whats camouflage means :
in dunia tipu-tipu , we should know that who act harder actually not the main character of the drama. Why i can said this? because I have some fact too in my previous experience and i also caught it by myself.
In tipu-tipu world ( based on my experience and some story that i heard) , the drama was made by marriage people. Thats why the same phrase that actually heard by unmarried people was
" Ahh luck u, u are not married yet and still young." And if unmarriage people who frequently connected w marriage people for some reason, then let say the reason is to prank someone or makin lelucon w the target then they can act with acting as usual. So the unmarriage people can be (like) the main actor or actress in this drama which can make a wrong mindset for the target because actually the director of all is the marriage people who train the unmarriage people to be a good actor or good actress in it. they ( the directors) train how to act w the moment and then try to make the target to feel annoyed too the hide and seek cilukba and the sound and music fairytale so just think they just like an explosive fart gas for a while :P
3. Place
this one is the term that u should know abt the meaning of place when tipu-tipu world is comin.
tipu-tipu world makess a drama which called by the place. For e.g if ure lived or havin much time in some place, the people around u will give u tipu-tipu vibes .
beside that the "place" term in here ( at least in my case) can be a mindset which create by dunia tipu tipu to makes me think that here is better , than there. But actually those places already connected and maybe they a group whatsapp too.
Why i can said this ? because how people in place a for e.g knows the way i did in place b, and so if its happened if i act in place b before theni go to place a then there some people in place a who spill my act in place b. So why this one can be happen ? Ouch and there must be a spy of it, and this drama also similar with my previous case in my previous office and this is fact that there was a spy of it. But now today, the spy that work in my case is the hacker institution w technologic. ( I already show up w my screenshot yeah ). Ok so whateva the way of the spy in here, they always show the same motto like find urself first motto , and that is "let the wall speak of it" hahaha. See, they just read the same bible of "magic trick" :P
** the normal one is its oke if u prefer place a than place b, or prefer place b or place but if ur world already entered with tipu-tipu world this one can be a "bahan" or another trick to cover the main idea of it and the main character in it ( see my list before :P )
So until now my life already hacked and thats why i share this beccause people will do the same thing again and again. Beside that those people also act the differ from past, and it means the dunia tipu-tipu still lied on my world. People around me in thesedays just did the same thing to me which is make a limitation and boundaries. and as usual i have a fact that they just infected from tipu-tipu world too to prank me. One day, i just jog w my sist in gbk. Jog as usual, and suddenly she just act like badut2 dunia tipu2 , then i just markin her like the solution that i told before. I mark her because i know what she did and then she said "omg, i just got caught" or "omg aku ketahuan."
Not only my sister, even some stranger that idk them and if we met in the rite time not in tipu2 time , it can be an ordinary day just said the same phrase like my sist but in the diff way "yah udah tahu" . See thats the power or marking them haha. And just the same thing like an explosive fart gas (or ih bau 2ntur aja :P) which had the same principal like a wind which was only comes and goes :P . So the action of dunia tipu2 will be the same thing like that and actually nothing ( just read all the statement before :P and knows the normal and ur dimension :P)
ok , then i just end this post rite now, but because the things of dunia tipu2 always happened, just dont be surprise if this post will updating and can be differ with the first time u read.