Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Teh celup

Teh celup

This one is a funny thing , and what is a real life mean actually

So what is teh celup means in here  ?

Teh celup means mencelupkan diri in a water (of course)  and what is the background of doin this , I don’t have an idea to talk with some people (new people) and I don’t like just sit at that time heheheh

So I feel like an awkward and dunno what to do

oke, so heres the situation 

There is a time when I met some new people. Then one of this people in this group asking me to playin  something  with them .. and yeah i just play it. I play soccer at that time, but if we had a conve or just sit without doin anything then i go to the beach and mencelupkan diri in a water of course . I just repeat this for many times.. because I don’t have an idea to talk and a bit confuse ..

But everytime I got myself to mencelupkan diri in the water of beach .. I just feel like battery full .. not confuse and blablabla

Its not happen for once only.. in another case in curug .. while accompany my friend to have a date .. I can make such a pleasure to mine .. just watering mine with the water of curug ..(another kinda of mencelupkan diri)

I don’t hate to talk but I don’t have an idea at that time. Just a simple like that.

So if u don’t know what to do and need to pleasure urself  I suggest u to do teh celup by ur own .. and see how it works :P

Selamat mencoba :D

Bye bye room planner for a while


Finally I quit from roomplanner app

I got a crazy moment after some project that I already made were crash by an error system

So I just think some idea in my mind without execute it.

But I cant talk much abt that in this post

I would like to share some idea that I already made in this app

Just like a “kenang-kenangan”


Home design

This one was inspired abt room for pleasure .. and a to the point thing (lagi -lagi.. hash)

But that’s true what I really want is a kinda like that

I just imagine a room with an exactly function . and taa daa u can see it from ground floor until second floor, I never make an excuse to do another thing without the real action, like there is no a room for just a beauty or mempercantik kali yaa .. ehhehe..

I don’t know but I never imagine an house which agak bertele -tele .. maybe because I imagine how to clean up the house if Im alone in this house or be an inem in this house when im alone hehehe... 

So that’s all . I think I don’t have an idea to talk again .. sse ya

(ps : i dont have a time to make a green space in my home design cause im affraid of the error one)


Sunday, May 5, 2024


To be honest i make this post for twice and finally i did.  Finally I make my own house design with room planner app :D

First time i make this post, I make this w full  emotion ( like feeling excited too much :P )cause finally I did .. so maybe it looks a lil bit messy in my writing or maybe u can say agak belepotan. Hehehe  ..but whatever it is at least i like it 

So, today ( july 17th 2024) i want to rewrite this post and share my idea abt home design.  I want to share the basic idea of makig the home design with the karaoke room, coz i think this basic is more simple and is clearly enough that i make without havin much emotion hehe , so its not look like a belepotan thing .. 

and this is it .. (with finally song by emdey..)

nah if u remember my previous post i make ground floor and first floor for home design , but in here i just share the basic. the idea of this home design is abt fun , and thats why i make a  karaoke room in front so if i have a guest i make me and myguest to choose how long to make time for basa basi or we can continue to have fun soon :P