Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Bye bye room planner for a while


Finally I quit from roomplanner app

I got a crazy moment after some project that I already made were crash by an error system

So I just think some idea in my mind without execute it.

But I cant talk much abt that in this post

I would like to share some idea that I already made in this app

Just like a “kenang-kenangan”


Home design

This one was inspired abt room for pleasure .. and a to the point thing (lagi -lagi.. hash)

But that’s true what I really want is a kinda like that

I just imagine a room with an exactly function . and taa daa u can see it from ground floor until second floor, I never make an excuse to do another thing without the real action, like there is no a room for just a beauty or mempercantik kali yaa .. ehhehe..

I don’t know but I never imagine an house which agak bertele -tele .. maybe because I imagine how to clean up the house if Im alone in this house or be an inem in this house when im alone hehehe... 

So that’s all . I think I don’t have an idea to talk again .. sse ya

(ps : i dont have a time to make a green space in my home design cause im affraid of the error one)


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