Wednesday, September 20, 2023


According to formula of happiness --> freedom minus overthinking and minus drama, we need to maintain another thing and thats how we react with critics and how we filtering some words from others. 
In this case, I want to share how to make an app to maintain that (lol --ofcourse NO haha). 
In this case Id like to share an example by sharing famous fable from aesop :Two men and his donkey"
Two men and his donkey is the story of the journey of a man and the boy (his son) who took their donkey to sell to a distant market. Along the way to the market , they walk by several groups of people who comment on them as they pass. Each group has a different point of view and criticsm abt the way they traveled.
First the man and the boy walk alongside the donkey. As they were walking along by his side a locals passed them and said, “You fools, what is a donkey for but to ride upon?” So the man put the boy on the donkey, and they went on their way.
But soon they passed a group of men, one of whom said, “See that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides.”Then this words persuades him to ride the donkey himself and let the boy walk.
But they hadn’t gone far when they passed two women, one of whom said to the other, “Shame on that lazy lout to let his poor little son trudge along.”
Later still he gets convinced that both he and the boy should ride the donkey. By this time they had come to the town, and the passersby began to jeer and point at them. The man stopped and asked what they were scoffing at.The men said, “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for overloading that poor donkey of yours — you and your hulking son?”
Finally, the man and boy got off and tried to think what to do. They thought and they thought, until at last they cut down a pole, tied the donkey’s feet to it, and raised the pole and the donkey to their shoulders. They went along amid the laughter of all who met them until they came to a bridge, when the donkey, getting one of his feet loose, kicked out and caused the boy to drop his end of the pole. In the struggle the donkey fell over the bridge, and his forefeet being tied together, he was drowned.

Then I try to criticizes this fable with happiness formula 😁
Happineess = Freedom - Overthinking - Less drama 
as u can see in here the man and the boy is more overthinking and thats why both are makin drama in this fable.

Moral of this story is whateva we say, what eva we do, people will always find something to say and if u please all then u please none. So, just do what you want to do as long it makes u happy and it doesnt harm other people :) 

The interesting abt the story is if u can discuss with another point of view. And the other point of view in here is about marketing. I found another site who not only talk abt moral of this story but how to sell the donkey as a lesson for marketing and u can find this in this site : The Man, The Boy and The Donkey ( On this site the author actually criticizes it. And here is an excerpt from the contents of this website : 

I think two men and his donkey perspective from marketing is so rare, and this one triggering me too to think out of the box too (in case for marketing). So, I try to think how about if we can see the bussiness probability in this story. Let see some rude words from stranger in this story, if we compare w reality , rude words can make psychological prob, and thats why there is a psychologist for it, or maybe bussiness for healing (lol) :P 

As well as another things, I see the same pattern too. If there is a case or problem there will be a  probability bussiness  for it, and its normal. It happens everytime and everywhere. 
So just like before , let see how happiness formula can solve this too (even with marketing lesson) :P 

Happiness = Freedom - Overthinking - Less Drama 
Just imagine that u feel broken after some shitty words - then u already get overthinking and more drama --> then u need a healing time even by product or by ur own time --> and thats the probability for bussiness that can offering a healing one--> then u got it - after all u  feel freedom minus ovrthinking and minus less drama --> Happiness 

Or in another version 
In here ure not feel anything even after shitty words so u just feel free , not overthinking or even drama --> Happiness --. Then u see some healing product --> u can shoose wisely because ure in a good condition and not in emotional one.

So, thats the way of the formula it is 😀maybe we can insert this too for another fable 😁

Friday, September 15, 2023

Another app

 As u know Im a newbie in appsheet and it makes me a bit tacky with this app :P

So far appsheet, I mean an app that I already create with appsheet its an useful tool. Thats why I try to make an another app with appsheet 

In this case I try to make an healthy check app for mine. (Remember its for mine, so even it looks simple and a bit tacky its okay hahah)

So. I make this because I need to maintain my lifestyle because  im a busy person (kiddin :P) and I need to have a motivation or something that trigerring me to complete my mission , I mean becomin an healthier person of me XD 

Then what am I do in here rite now ? I just want to show my template for this app, and how to make it. 

Oke lets start it ..

1. First, make a database on googlesheet 

2. Sync to the appsheet 

3. Set the type of data 

4. Give some value in data that u already set enum or enumlist 

5. And lets try this app in mobile phone, cause we are mobile rite xp 

6. This app will connect to ur googlesheet, so you will have ur own recap as always 

7. Dont forget to try to make it and doin a healthy lifestyle xoxoxo 


So what so u think abt this app ? It looks hot and simple or more like google form AWK wkwkw..
 hope i can give u some inspiration 😋😂😎 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Kutu air

This post is abt kutu air

I never expect to get kutu air in my sole, it was very itchy and I need to scratch everytime 

I remember the day I got this is when i was in my laundry place in my home 

So how to solve this ? 

I give my own tips , but dont try this at home if u think that is a strange one for u 

Oke , I dont use an antibiotic cream , antifungal, medicine tablets , or a kinda like that 

I used antifungal cream when there is kutu air in my hands (past time) , but i also combine with my treatment :P 

What is the treatment ? 

U just need a needle to solve ur kutu air , 

First u can clean the kutu air area with sterile water then give some puncture to every bump in ur sole

Of course ur bump will getting redish, and u still want to scratch it but u need to give a lil puncture again in ur bump.until u can see a clear fluid through ur bump  

Then u can use povidon iodine or betadine (the common merck) to finish the treatment before u close it with kasa. 

Picture : 

1. Thats my sole after I stab it with needle 

2. This one is the needle that i use, just use the needle only ( left picture) 

3. Make sure the needle n the kutu air area are clean and sterile before u stab it. U can use alcohol 70%

4. Close the area that u already stab it with betadine and kasa 

5. After u close it ( look thats my pity sole xD)

6. Follow up the kutu air area in a one week, its gettin better soon hopefully <3

I also kepo to know how kutu air looks like, so i dig some channel  on utube and i found this : 
U can open this link too if u are interested (kepo). For me , kutu air looks like selasih for drink, gettin thirsty rite :P 

Moral of the story : always wear sandals when u are in laundry place :) #thatswhatsandalsarefor #lol 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Expense / Spendings / or wkwkwk

Continuing our discussion abt money in my previous post, i just want to share how to manage money by making an app for knowing our expenses. I share this not because im an expert , share this because this is good even it is simple  :)

The idea to makin this app is comin after i have an interest to start managing my money. Beside that , according to many sources there are a lot formula for money manager. But whatever and however it is expense data in a one month then in a one year is an important one. So, lets make an app for this.

-Steps : 

1. Open your googlesheet, and make a datebase for this 

2. Put some column : kode, tanggal, bulan, pengeluaran , keterangan, total, total dalam satu bulan ( In english code,date, month, expense, description, total, total in a month )

3. Connect this sheet to apheet by click extension then appsheet

4. Open the app sheet and click data button 

5. Set key and label in code

6. Edit the type data cause all ur data in googlesheet will set in text type automatically 

Code still the same, set data with text, Tanggal set data type with date, Bulan set data with enum then put some value details ( September, October,etc),  Pengeluaran set data type with price, Keterangan still the same, set data with text, Total set data type with price, Total in a month set data with price too.

7. Dont forget to set the currency for pengeluaran, total, and total in a month 

8. Makin formula 

Makin a formula for Total  =sum(list[Pengeluaran] 

Makin a formula for Total in a month , e.g September  =sum(select(Data[Pengeluaran],[Bulan]="September"))

9. and then voila , ur app already created.

10. Test drive 

11. This app can be seen in mobile phone too by downloading appsheet and sync with gmail account, and this one its a view from mobile phone 

Actually there are a lot of money manager app that u can download in apstore or play store, but by makin this i hope u can have a trigger to commit with ur decision to start manage ur money, at least u know ur money expenses in a one year.  

Selamat mencoba and Goodluck then

Friday, September 8, 2023

Pasar Malam

I was attending night market or pasar malam in Ramayana Ciledug. I feel excited for sure..u can see that in my pic x)

Then I bought a ticket for playing in here. Each @Rp 15000,-. I think this price is worth it. 
I bought 3 tickets. It means that I can play 3 wahanas. I shoose to play bianglala , kkora-kora, and ontang anting. 

The third pic, I show u 2 wahanas that can shaking urs/ If you have a plan to play these, make sure u already eat some meal or u can get masuk angin  lol

Then the romantic one, is bianglala view. I just add a music for this video .. romantic huh ?! wkwkwk

And finally this is me infront of wahana that shaking mine :p (kora-kora)

 Seems like I dont have much words for this post, but i guess u can read the pasar malam vibes jby lookin photos and video.. So thats the end of my story in pasar malam .. I wheel u and see u  <3<3 :P

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Hi there
Its me again
Long time not typing anything in here.. Just find some inspiration or something that worth to talk
And here it is .. Lets talk about my calculation for happiness
Opening quote :
We have one life to live - and one chance to live it in the richest way possible.
-Judith Thurman
If you cant find love .. find money .. haha lol , just kidding
Love formula
Comfy + friendship + lust = love
Realistic formula
Thinking about future + rational = realistic
Happiness formula :
Freedom – Overthinking – Drama = happiness
Freedom = Money + be yourself
(Money + be yourself) – Overthinking – Drama = Happiness
Money = Motivation + Struggle + Longterm thinking about future
Overthinking = less focus about the real goal + too much listen to others
Drama = thats what you choose
Real happiness
(Happiness + Realistic + Love ) x many times = REAL HAPPINESS
Fyi : Put “love” in the last one  cause to love others you should feel happy with urself first
Hope universe can bring me to my definition of real happiness
*feeling motivated*